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Dynamic Positional Bike Fit

Cost: $280 

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The Dynamic Positional Bike Fit uses video motion capture to determine your optimal saddle height, fore-aft saddle position, reach, handlebar drop and shoe/pedal interface in order to help you achieve maximum sustainable power output, allow you to be comfortable, help you manage pain and injury, and give you good aerodynamics. We use video motion capture, body measurements, and flexibility assessments to help put you in a more efficient position on your bike.



  • Conduct an interview to find out more about your riding history, goals, and physical issues that need to be accommodated
  • Use video motion capture to document existing riding position
  • Take body measurements and perform flexibility assessments
  • Use physical information collected along with your motion capture video to determine what fit changes need to be made
  • Review the recommended changes with you and execute the fit changes to your bike
  • Continue to use video motion capture and your feedback to refine your position
  • Document your bicycle's final positional setup and give you the setup report

The Dynamic Positional Bike Fit costs $280. A typical session lasts 90 minutes. If additional parts are needed, costs for labor and parts to adjust your bike to the final recommendations is additional. An additional bicycle of the same discipline to be fitted during the same session costs $125/bike.

If you decide to buy a bike over $2,000 within 6 months of the fitting, we will apply the cost of the fitting to your purchase.

Each Classic Positional Bike Fit is guaranteed. If you are experiencing problems with your fit, follow-up appointments made within two weeks of your original fit appointment will be free of charge.



We typically schedule bike fit appointments before or after store hours so we can focus on the task at hand.

Schedule online now Online scheduling

Or call (508)429-9177 or email Roy roy[at] to schedule a fit appointment.